Kagle Tutorial 6

⇐ Kaggle

Tutorial 6: Kaggle API and Automation


Welcome to Tutorial 6 of our Kaggle series! In this tutorial, we will explore the Kaggle API and how to automate various tasks on Kaggle. The Kaggle API allows you to interact with Kaggle programmatically, enabling you to automate repetitive tasks, access datasets, submit competition entries, and more. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of the Kaggle API, its installation, authentication, and demonstrate how to use it to automate common tasks. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Installing the Kaggle API

Before using the Kaggle API, you need to install it on your machine. Follow these steps to install the Kaggle API:

  1. Install Python: Ensure that Python is installed on your machine. You can download Python from the official website (https://www.python.org/downloads/).
  2. Install the Kaggle Package: Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
    pip install kaggle
    This will install the Kaggle package on your system.

Step 2: Authenticating the Kaggle API

To access Kaggle datasets and competitions, you need to authenticate the Kaggle API using your Kaggle account credentials. Follow these steps to authenticate the Kaggle API:

  1. Download Kaggle API Credentials: Log in to your Kaggle account and navigate to your account settings. Scroll down to the API section and click on the “Create New API Token” button. This will download a file named kaggle.json.
  2. Place the Credentials File: Move the downloaded kaggle.json file to the appropriate location based on your operating system:
    • Windows: C:\Users\{username}\.kaggle\kaggle.json
    • macOS/Linux: /Users/{username}/.kaggle/kaggle.json
  3. Set Environment Variables: Open your terminal or command prompt and set the KAGGLE_USERNAME and KAGGLE_KEY environment variables using the following commands:
    • Windows:
      set KAGGLE_USERNAME=your_kaggle_username
      set KAGGLE_KEY=your_kaggle_key
    • macOS/Linux:
      export KAGGLE_USERNAME=your_kaggle_username
      export KAGGLE_KEY=your_kaggle_key

Step 3: Using the Kaggle API

Once you have installed and authenticated the Kaggle API, you can start using it to automate various tasks on Kaggle. Here are some examples:

Downloading a Dataset

To download a dataset from Kaggle, you can use the following command:

import kaggle

# Download a dataset
kaggle.api.dataset_download_files('username/dataset-name', path='destination-folder', unzip=True)

Submitting to a Competition

To submit your predictions to a Kaggle competition, you can use the following command:

import kaggle

# Submit to a competition
kaggle.api.competition_submit(file_name='submission.csv', message='My submission message', competition='competition-name')

Creating a New Competition

To create a new Kaggle competition, you can use the following command:

import kaggle

# Create a new competition
kaggle.api.competition_create(file_name='competition-dataset.zip', title='Competition Title', category='category-name', 
                              description='Competition description', enable_gpu=False, team_count=1)

Listing Competitions

To retrieve a list of Kaggle competitions, you can use the following command:

import kag


# List competitions
competitions = kaggle.api.competitions_list()
for competition in competitions:

Step 4: Automating Tasks with Kaggle API

With the Kaggle API, you can automate repetitive tasks and schedule them to run at specific intervals. Here’s an example of how to automate the download of a dataset using a Python script and the cron job scheduler:

  1. Create a Python Script: Create a Python script that downloads the dataset using the Kaggle API. Save the script with a descriptive name, such as download_dataset.py.
  2. Add Kaggle API Code: In your Python script, add the necessary code to download the dataset using the Kaggle API, as shown in the previous section.
  3. Schedule the Script: Use the cron job scheduler (on Unix-like systems) or the Task Scheduler (on Windows) to schedule the execution of the Python script at the desired interval.


Congratulations on completing Tutorial 6: Kaggle API and Automation! You have learned how to install and authenticate the Kaggle API, use it to automate tasks such as downloading datasets and submitting competition entries, and even create a new competition. Automation can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your data science projects. Use the Kaggle API to streamline your workflows and explore the vast opportunities it offers for automation. In the next tutorial, we will dive into advanced data visualization techniques to enhance your data analysis and storytelling. Stay tuned and keep up the great work!

Arman Asgharpoor Golroudbari
Arman Asgharpoor Golroudbari
Space-AI Researcher

My research interests revolve around planetary rovers and spacecraft vision-based navigation.